Toshiba has recently launched its new mini-laptop features two touch-screen double. Mini laptop was designed for beselancar on the Internet, send and receive email and follow the speed of movement of social networking sites.
W100 Libretto, Toshiba to name pinned besutannya devices, running Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system and has two LED-backlit touch screen measuring 7 inches. Toshiba states pirati deliberately designed in a compact size with the concept clamshell form (two shells shut) to deliver quality-they claim-"flexibility without rival".
W100 Libretto, Toshiba to name pinned besutannya devices, running Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system and has two LED-backlit touch screen measuring 7 inches. Toshiba states pirati deliberately designed in a compact size with the concept clamshell form (two shells shut) to deliver quality-they claim-"flexibility without rival".